Education plays a central role in human development and is the most influential social institution in any modern society. In fact the basic purpose of education is to provide students with technical skills as well as to inculcate in them a set of values and beliefs that are essential for the formation of good human beings and responsible citizens. Education from the Islamic perspective, is life time learning process of preparing an individual to contribute fully to the development and well being of entire human society.
The mission of our organization is to integrate Islamic Education with modern education to enable future generation to live successfully in this modern world and at the same time maintain a strong relationship with Islamic principles. The Purpose of integration is to impart the teachings of Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a source of moral values and overall meaning of life.
We pray Allah for help and struggle our best to educate our students in a way to enhance their spiritual, intellectual, imaginative, physical, scientific and linguistic growth; both individually and collectively to advance all aspects of their personalities towards goodness and perfection.