The Intellectuals

About Us


Education plays a central role in human development and is the most influential social institution in any modern society. In fact the basic purpose of education is to provide students with technical skills as well as to inculcate in them a set of values and beliefs that are essential for the formation of good human beings and responsible citizens. Education from the Islamic perspective is life time learning process of preparing an individual to contribute fully to the development and wellbeing of entire human society. In our country several education systems are in place. Some are entirely focusing on modern education, some are entirely focusing on Islamic education and some are focusing primarily on modern education and a little bit on Islamic education and vice-versa. To impart Islamic education in conjunction with modern education, the intellectuals from various disciplines joined their hands under the umbrella of “THE INTELLECTUALS”, a brand name of the “INTELLECTUAL SCHOOL SYSTEM”, registered under section 32 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 (XLVII of 1984) to shape up an education system for enabling students to live successfully in this modern world and at the same time maintain a strong relationship with Islamic principles. Modern subjects are taught with an Islamic understanding, thus enabling the students to relate to the world from an Islamic perspective..